Pharmsaver helps you manage your inventory by giving you control over what you purchase. While GPI Matching gives you the most savings, certain NDCs cannot be substituted. Through our Formulary List, you can put NDCs and/or specific manufacturers in a "do not substitute" list. Read below for more details.
How Do I?
Yes! There are two ways we help Pharmacies achieve this. The first is through the "Match by NDC with GPI Override" feature. This feature allows you to keep the NDC you upload with your purchase order, yet give you the option to select generics by GPI when a significant savings (determined by you) is reached. To learn more about this option, see our tutorial on Best GPI Pricing.
The second way we help you keep your NDC and get the most savings is by creating a Preferred Drug list, also known as a "do not substitute" list. Even if you Match by GPI, the items on your Preferred Drug list will not be substituted. For more details on this, see our tutorial below, "How Do I Create A Preferred Drug List?"
1. On the Home page, select the Preferred Drugs tab.
2. On the bottom left, click the New Item button.
3. To add all drugs from one manufacturer, select All Items For Manufacturer. To add specific NDCs, select Individual NDC.
4. Fill out the appropriate information and click Save.
1. On the Home page, select the Preferred Drugs tab.
2. On the bottom left, click the New Item button.
3. Select Individual NDC.
4. In the NDC# field, enter the NDC and click the Lookup button. The fields in pink will display the appropriate information.
5. To keep this NDC in the preferred drug list for a specific amount of time, in the Starts and Expires fields, enter the start date and end date, respectively.
6. Click the Save button.
1. On the Home page, select the Preferred Drugs tab.
2. On the bottom left, click the New Item button.
3. Select All Items For Manufacturer.
4. From the Manufacturer drop-down, select the appropriate option.
5. From the Brand Code drop-down, select the type of drugs you prefer from this manufacturer.
6. To keep this NDC in the preferred drug list for a specific amount of time, in the Starts and Expires fields, enter the start date and end date, respectively.
7. Click the Save button.