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Save Your Cart From Changes Overnight!
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Featured Article:
Save Your Cart From Changes Overnight!
At PharmSaver we work very hard to ensure the price you see and the quantity in stock is always accurate. To do so we may automatically remove or change items as they go out of stock or are no longer available from a wholesaler. As part of this process, items in your cart for more than seven days will automatically be removed. With inventory supplies and pricing changes that occur on a daily basis the removal of older items helps ensure accuracy. For items over two days but less than seven days price of the item or what wholesaler it is available from with may change. If a wholesaler or price change occurs, we will send you an email showing the old price, new price and amount of change.
Remember, if items have been in your cart for several days, there is a higher chance that you will not end up ordering that item. This change helps you clean out your cart so you can maintain an accurate daily list of drugs that your pharmacy will need to order on a daily or weekly basis.
Want to save the items from being automatically removed after seven days?
You can save your cart(s) to a Quick Cart with a Click and reload the next day if anything has changed when you return in the morning. Save the cart and name it accordingly, for example "Monday Healthsource". After you have created and saved the cart you can reload that cart at any point. You can also Copy that cart and start a new identical cart and modify and save it with a new name.

- Dropdown menu allows you to select from a list of saved carts and Load, Copy or Delete that cart.
- Ability to change the Quantity for line items.
- Displays the Status of each of the line items.
- Use the Pencil Icon to make additional changes; Red X to Delete; Orange Cart to Add that line item directly to your cart.