The History of the New Years Resolution.
For years we’ve heard of and probably participated in the tradition of setting resolutions for the new year. It’s a tradition that is as old as most of us can remember. Actually, after doing a little internet sleuthing, it’s a tradition that according to goes back to the ancient Babylonians. They apparently resolved to pay their debts to appease the gods. Nowadays we tend to resolve to join a gym or cut back on carbs, but the idea being that we are setting intentions.
Well, in the past few years, a new trend has been taking root that seems to have a more positive spin. Rather than focusing on attempting to fix a bad habit, some people are now recommending focusing on a particular word throughout the year that will help to inspire you, motivate you, or bring you joy. So this year instead of setting a New Year's resolution instead try picking a focus word for the year.
So, how do you do that? Well, there are a few recommendations for how to go about doing this. Some suggest reviewing journals for the year and seeing if anything sticks out. You could peruse your socials and see if there is a theme that maybe you want to narrow down. Or you could leave it to fate! We have a list here for you to get inspired by. Maybe get your family and friends involved and put all of these inspo words in a bowl and pick at random. Whatever way works for you we hope you have an inspirational New Year and we hope that we do too! Thank you for being a part of our 2023!
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