Staying up to date just got a whole lot easier! PharmSaver now has text alerts for your WatchList items and reminders of cut-off times for carts you still have open that are ready to ship.
We know how busy you get throughout the day. So to ensure you’re getting the items you need from your WatchList, you can now receive text messages notifying you when those products become available. You can also select to receive text reminders before the cut-off time for any of the open shopping carts you might still have. So you’ll have plenty of time to add a few more things and get checked out before the deadline.
Text alerts for WatchList items only go out when they become available and will continue to remind you as long as they are on your list for the time frame you have scheduled or unless you select the option on your WatchList to send the alert once and the stop.
Text alerts for cut-off times are sent when you have carts that meet shipping minimums but have not been checked out yet. You should receive your text message reminders about 20 minutes before the wholesaler's cut-off time for checkout.
To opt in to text alerts click My Account in the top right corner of the PharmSaver platform, then select Manage Users. Edit your profile by clicking the pencil icon. Scroll down to the Contact Info section and you’ll find new instructions for adding your mobile number. If at any point you decide to opt-out you can deselect the option you don’t want to receive texts for or simply remove your phone number from the Text Phone # field.